Nature-Based Recreation

Natural surface trails for hiking, mountain biking, and skiing/snowboarding, etc. are what inspired us to learn about environmental sustainability, planning, design, and engineering. Our home base in Bishop, CA puts us at the center of the outdoor industry, in one of the greatest places in the world to experience nature-based outdoor recreation activities.

Betsy Malloy Photography


Work with Tuleyome included preparation of reports and management plans, and manage databases for land trust and conservation projects, EIRs, CEQA/NEPA documents, etc.

Other responsibilities included:

  • Data management/analysis for conservation properties, and restoration/remediation projects

  • Compliance scheduling for grant requirements, easement monitoring, etc.

  • Graphics and educational content for interpretive displays

Davis Bike Park Alliance

Sustainable Recreation Design prepared conceptual design graphics and assisted in the selection of potential locations for a public pump track/bike park in the City of Davis, CA.

Tehachapi Mountains Trails Association

Sustainable Recreation Design prepared planning documents for the development of mountain bike trails on the Lehigh Cement Company property and a potential lift-accessed mountain bike park. Planning considerations included:

  • Project Goals and Objectives

  • Best Management Practices and Case Studies

  • Information on Bike Parks and Flow Trails, Grants and Fundraising, Liability and Risk Management, Trail Design and Construction

  • Landscape Ecology considerations including Habitat Types, Focal Species, and Design Guidelines to reduces Site Vulnerability

  • Resilient Design considerations including Adaptability, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and Community Engagement

  • Regional Analysis including Analysis of Local and Regional Planning Documents, and Documentation of Local and Regional Connections

  • Site Analysis including Site Photos, Documentation of Existing Conditions, and Analysis of Opportunities and Constraints

  • A Phased Master Plan for:

    • A Community Bike Park

    • XC MTB Trail Network

    • Advanced Trail/Interpretive Center Development

    • Incorporating the Capital Hills Specific Plan

    • Attracting Income and New User Groups

    • Low-Impact/Multi-Use Trail Development (and)

    • A Lift-Access Mountain Bike Park

Natural Burial Grounds

Sustainable Recreation Design is excited to pioneer the design of natural burial grounds. These environmentally-sustainable alternatives to traditional cemeteries are the future of post-humous memorialization. Traditional cemeteries have a tremendous environmental impact, with thousand of tons of concrete and toxic chemicals buried and excessive energy consumption and co2 emissions associated with cremation. Natural burial grounds forego toxic embalming fluids and use biodegradable containers, caskets, shrouds, and urns​, rather than vaults. Sustainable design considerations support sustainable management practices and land conservation efforts, reduce water consumption, and reduce or discontinue the use of herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers in favor of drought-tolerant, native landscapes with natural monuments and memorials.